A Christmas Gift List for Camp Counselors

So it’s that time of year… Christmas is right around the corner and you’re thinking about what Christmas presents to get for the special people in your life. Well, if one of them is a camp counselor (or is going to be a camp counselor next summer), then this list is all your need!


1. A colouring book

It’s become apparent recetly that colouring is one of those things that everyone loves, where old or young. And it’s a fab stress reliever too. So however old their campers are going to be, this coloruing book is something your beloved camp counselor can do together with their kids.

2. Great colouring pens/pencils

They’re going to need these for the awesome colouring book you got them!

3. Silly dress up clothes. Anything neon or 4th July themed

At summer camp, counselors spend a LOT of time dressing up and running around camp in whacky costumes. So help them out. Get them some fun little bits they can create a costume out of (neon socks, a funny mask, a 4th July hat) or go all out and get them a full costume of something crazy.

4. Friendship bracelet string and instructions

Friendship bracelets are the only currency that matters at summer camp. The counselors will make them for the kids, and the kids will make them for the counselors, until everybody’s wrists are totally covered!


5. A ‘do your own tie dye’ kit

Every camp counselor should have at least one piece of tie dye clothing, and what’s more fun than doing it yourself!?

6. A headlamp or flashlight

A necessity for those dark nights in the middle of the woods.

7. Sandals or crocs

They need something comfy that they can run around all day and get on and off quickly. I know crocs are frowned upon in the ‘real’ world, but in the camp bubble, crocs are like gold.

8. A CVS Pharmacy or Amazon voucher

There are going to be things that your camp counselor is going to need midway through the summer, like shampoo or snacks or maybe a new towel when their’s gets detroyed or lost in the lake. CVS (an American pharmacy chain) or Amazon are the best places to get this kind of stuff.

9. A photo book/album of all their friends and family

All counselors want some nice mementos to take with them when they go to summer camp, and some nice or funny photos of friends and family is an ideal gift that will help your lovely counselor get through a tough day at camp.

10. Questions cards/game to help them find out more about their campers

Pretty much the biggest responsibility a camp counselor has is to know absolutely everything there is to know about their campers. So get them some fun little question cards or a cool game that can help them bond with their kids throughout the summer.


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